Anchor Building & Rappelling

June 3, 2024
Anchor Building & Rappelling

With a fall, an anchor's sudden loading greatly exceeds the combined weight of the climber and belayer.Are you looking to take the next step in your climbing development?  Is it time to take it outside, or stop relying on friends to establish anchors for you?  Do you know how to avoid the American Death Triangle?  Want to hear it from someone with experience?

OVERhang instructors are keen to help you get outside and do it right, and this workshop is the next step.  Join us at OVERhang to learn some options and safety considerations when using bolted anchors, chains, trees, and other features for top-roping.

OVERhang's belay and rappel ledge in the Programming Room is an IDEAL spot to practice these skills.

top rope anchorWe use the acronym "IDEAL" to help you understand and practice building anchors that have Integrity, are Doubled and Equalized, have a proper Angle, and appropriate Length.  You may practice using sewn slings, cordelette, quick draws, climbing rope, and webbing to create your anchors.

If time allows, you may also practice the art of "cleaning" a sport anchor... because there is nothing worse than dropping the rope when you're at the top, or not being adequately protected at all times!  Rappelling skills will be covered as well, as rappelling often goes hand-in-hand with anchor building.

Workshops are 2-3 hours long and run with a max ratio of 6:1 (six participates, one instructor). There is a minimum of 2 participants required to run the course.

For more information give us a call at 250-563-2547 or click on the button below.

Please note that this is NOT a lead climbing course nor a trad climbing course!

To review OVERhang's cancellation and refund policy
click here

NEXT EVENT Standard First Aid


Course Schedule

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Hours of Gym Operation

Mon-Fri 4:30-10pm
Sat 12-6:30pm
Sun 2-8pm
Saturday 8:30-10:30am



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