Wilderness Survival

Wilderness Survival

Wilderness Survival is a set of skills and attitudes that you can develop and build over time.  Some skills cross over between seasons, others (such as building snow shelters) are more specific to the weather, terrain, and vegetation conditions you may experience.

OVERhang offers a variety of workshops tailored to groups looking for instruction in the following:

  • survival shelters
  • winter shelters (snow caves, quinzees, snow trenches, tree well shelters, etc - and yes, they're all very different!)
  • fire building
  • improvised stretchers and carrying devices
  • problem solvingThink Outside
  • trip planning, preparation, gear, and dressing for survival
  • understanding and managing group dynamics
  • emergency management, for if things go sideways
  • what else would you like to work on as a team?

Whether your group has 1 hour or 2 days to spend on a workshop, composed of kids new to outdoor pursuits or hardened and mature veterans of outdoor adventure, we've got some learning and team building for you!


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PREVIOUS Wilderness Basic Safety Course
NEXT Wildlife Safety




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Hours of Gym Operation

Mon-Fri 4:30-10pm
Sat 12-6:30pm
Sun 2-8pm
Saturday 8:30-10:30am



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